FED 2021 results: A great success for EDRIN members
- EDF, a strategic tool to promote innovation in the European defence area
Nowadays, the European Defence Fund (EDF) represents the Commission’s flagship instrument to support defence cooperation in Europe. By promoting cooperation between companies of all sizes and research actors, EDF focuses on projects leading to state-of-the-art defence technologies and fosters innovation.
In last july, « the Commission announced plans to grant a total EU funding of almost € 1.2 billion supporting 61 collaborative (upon 142 proposals received) defence research and development projects selected following the first ever calls for proposals under the European Defence Fund (EDF) ». (1)
It’s clear that the good results of the first year of the EDF show that the programme is highly attractive both for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and others types of companies. We can also underline a good balance between research and capability development and the excellent support to disruptive technologies and game-changing innovations for defence.
With their specific place linking research to industry, RTO’s are naturally major players of this adventure in all EDF types of calls, also able to bridge civilian results and military applications.
- EDF 21, a very successfull result for EDRIN’s members
For EDRIN’s members (7 at the time), the results are very interesting as 28 of the submitted proposals including at least one EDRIN Member were selected.
Another strength, their role can be different from one project to another: leader, coordinator or even sub-contractors.
You can discover hereafter the datasheets of the differents projects in which EDRIN’s members are involved as partners.
In fact, EDRIN’s members are involved in more projects by means of sub-contracts !
The proposals selected will allow to focus on current challenges such as digital and energy transition by proposing solutions in the fields of energy efficiency and storage, Artificial Intelligence, semiconductors, new materials and additive manufacturing, digital twin, cybersecurity…
The thematics are very large and it shows that RTO’s are able to position themselves in a large variety of subjects.
As EDRIN is growing up, these good results confirm how relevant its members are as RTOs, deeply involved in all the defence and security challenges ahead, ready to support the Commission initiatives and the EDA plans to set an efficient and wide European Defence Innovation Network
(1) European Commission press release of the 20thof July, 2022 (https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_22_4595)
Discover the factsheets of EDF21 Projects in which EDRIN's members are involved!
EDRIN attended the First European Defence Innovation Day
The First European Defence Innovation Day (EDID22), organised by the European Defence Agency under the auspices of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, took place on May 31st, in Brussels.
As explained by EDA in one of its recent press release, "this event displayed how greater investment and cooperation in Defence innovation is crucial to maintain and drive European technological sovereignty".
EDRIN was one exhibitor of the onsite European Defence Innovation Exhibition which took place the same day. This exhibition showcased national innovation strategies and projects. It was a great opportunity for EDRIN to explain its values, mission and ambition !